Invested Assets
80% of the fund's total value will be continuously invested in domestic issuer shares included in the BIST Dividend Index.
Since the Fund is an "equity-intensive fund", at least 80% of the Fund's portfolio value will always consist of issuer shares traded on BIST, excluding shares of securities investment trusts, and cash of futures contracts based on issuer shares and share indices. The guarantees are invested in premiums of option contracts based on issuer shares and share indices, and in brokerage firm warrants based on issuer shares and share indices traded on the stock exchange.
When choosing capital market instruments to invest in, those determined as a result of risk/return evaluations and those that are relatively easy to convert into cash are preferred. The Fund may determine its asset distribution within the limitations given in Article 2.4, including TL-denominated money and capital market instruments, taking into account market conditions and benchmarks.
Only assets and transactions in Turkish Lira will be included in the fund portfolio. Assets denominated in foreign currencies, gold and other precious metals and capital market instruments based on them will not be included in the Fund's portfolio.
You can buy from all banks and intermediary institutions in Turkey.